Founder of Contempo Design + Communications wins WED Cleveland Annual Pioneer Award

November 20, 2018by ContempoPress Releases

The Pioneer Award recognizes and honors distinguished women who are leaders and innovators across multiple categories with inspiring accomplishments.

CLEVELAND, OHIO, UNITES STATES, November 20, 2018 / — Renée Deluca Dolan started Contempo Communications in 1996 because she wanted to share her creativity and passion for design. More than 20 years later, Renee still gets tremendous satisfaction helping clients discover how strategic branding and design can help them reach marketing objectives as the current owner and Founder of Contempo Design + Communications. Renee is also the founder of Cleveland Business Connects, a female-focused magazine she published for 10 years, and also founded the CBC Magazine Connectors Choice Awards to honor Clevelanders in the special events profession. Renée’s entrepreneurial spirit and heart for helping women succeed in business prompted her to create the Female Entrepreneur Summit, an annual day of learning for Northeast Ohio business women, now in its 7th year. She’s a distinguished alumna of Kent State University, where she serves on the Business Advisory Board.

“The Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Cleveland Pioneer Award recognizes and honors distinguished women who are leaders and innovators across multiple categories with inspiring accomplishments. We consider pioneers in fields including Health, Education, Music, Business, Sports, Art, Fashion, Philanthropy, Beauty, Social Responsibility, Space/Science, Finance, Technology, and Environment/Animals. We seek to recognize women who have used their positions to connect and raise up other women, both locally and globally. The women we honor join a sisterhood of women honored around the world and at the United Nations every November,” stated Lorraine Schuchart, Founder & CEO, Prosper for Purpose.

The awards were given out at the WED Cleveland event on November 12 with 120 in attendance at the Linsalata Alumni Center of Case Western Reserve University.

WED Cleveland brings established and aspiring entrepreneurs together to share ideas, spark action and create opportunities for businesses to grow while achieving social impact.

The other 2018 WED Cleveland Pioneer Award Recipients were: Melanie GiaMaria who started her own legal practice devoted to family law in 2003, and Renee Jones who has devoted her career to serving others.

Jennifer Uren
Contempo Design + Communications
+1 216-831-9557
email us here